5mg tt ox comes in a small plastic bag with a anti-moist packet in the bag. this is packaged in the bottle with foam to keep from any rattling. they are yellow hex with a "T" on one side and a center score on the other side.
did they change the color in the last year? The TT ox that I had (it came from a source that I trust implicitly) were "peach" colored... or is it that to the male of the species yellow and peach are the same color????
hmmmmm..... I hope that they are peacch colored. I just got in 200 of them and they are peach. I have never used them before. Any confirmation on this color would be appreciated.
yes peach should be the color of the newest batch i believe, if they are darker becareful cause they could be Dbol *there dbol is like a dark orange/red i believe*