Tonight I just had a portabello mushroom, cooked in a pan w/ marinara sauce and cottage cheese (honestly tastes like mozzerella if you cook it right), and some more cottage cheese w/ 3 tbsp natty PB.
Depends if you are having trouble sleeping when you eat before bed. I find that I can't sleep if I eat only protein, sometimes I'll have a protein shake 1 hour before bed and then a couple of pieces of multigrain toast with fat free cheeze. Carbs help me sleep but it can also make you fat.
Whewwww.....PB&J is a solid way to gain weight FAST.....just ask Sly Stallone....said he pounded two of these every night to gain 30lbs in a very short time for that movie he did where he was the town sherriff....but he was a fat f......also helped that he sat on his ass....
i just had 4 tbsp of fat free cool wipe, 2 tbsp of pb, then 3 strawberries and 2 tbsp fat free cool wipe, some chicken and turkey sandwitch 2 grahm crackers and a oatmeal cookie
Drink a protein shake and then eat some shaved snapper. shake 55 g. of protein. and 1 shaved snapper, no protein but sure burns alot of cals. MUFFDIVER forever.