Crazy Barbarian
New member
Hello, just joined the elitefitness forums and recently started my account. I recently started my account to really gain some knowledge on weightlifting and to grow. Although im only 19 ive done a lot of research regarding steroids and diet and weightlifting.
I've been playing sports my whole life and im a pretty fit guy i'm 6'4 at 205 pounds and i rep 225 on bench press, deadlift 400, and squat around 285 ( low i know im just kinda tall, i focus more on front squat and deads ). I have an ice hockey background sense i was very young and started at 7 years old, i also played a variety of contact sports and recently within the last three years had been in muay thai and jiu jitsu. I quit because doctors told me i'd be retarded by 50 to 0 because of concussions unless i stopped.
Now i am here to talk about what kind of compounds i could take. I know many of you if not all would disagree and say i have enough test, my HPTA system is still developing and i dont want to fuck myslef up... etc. Now im only here to ask questions i dont want yall chooing me out for asking all these questions because im taking the smart route instead of saying fuck everyones advise and jump on a cycle.
First off i know shutting down my own natural test production is dangerous at my age but i've done a lot of research on many compouds and ill start by saying i've been looking at anavar... it's been said dht steroids do not aromitize much if any at all so technically icould be safe taking something like anavar couldn't i? or maybe even masteron/proviron(similar) ? if i were to do this id do everything correct with AI n hand and PCT , i'd do a very strong pct something like Clomid 100/100/50/50/25 plus forma stanzol and maybe throw in proviron... or take HCG during cycle to keep theboys working and help me not crash hardcore. I want to here yalls thoughts on this and what yall think? What if i did Test cyp at8-10 weeks 300mg-400mg while taking letrozale and hcg on cycle and a strong pct? maybe add in masteron or proviron for the estrogen blocking effects? something along those lines. I know this could work and i know yall are probably thinking "no" but if im on hcg through the cycle and taking letrozale and proviron or mast on cycle i could keep aromitization to a minimum and hcg would keep my hpta up which i feel wouldn't fuck me over natural test wize for the rest of my life. Doing all these steps i'd like to know if it could be done without me fucking myself over? maybe even just taking masteron by itself or hop on a 4 month GH cycle at 4iu per day (safe and wont fuck ver my hpta). Could i even try a SARM? would that fuck me over? what are yalls thoughts? i know alot about this stuff and been researching for a good two years now and i know i dont need a cycle but i've been weightlifting a while and i see people my age hop on cycles and gain big but dont really even know wtf there doing and i realize i could do this and gain alot with my knowledge, they dont do proper pct and take the right precautions there arrogant and dumb.
my life goal is to be 230-245 pounds and strong but fast, i feel i could get there naturally easily staying on course but if i utilize my age i could get taller from the right cycle of steroids or GH and i'd plan on bulking to 220 then jumping on my cycle if i decide too which is probably not going to happen but if i do i could be sitting around 230-240 after and pretty fuckin strong. I wouldn't cycle again for a while and would probably be content for a long time (4-5 years) until i'd hop on another cycle.
I want to here yalls honest opinion if i could do this, because oking at evidence with anavar or even GH i could pull this off without fucking up my hpta from the things ive researched, doing the proper on cycle precautions and protocol and makes sense that it would be OKAY or safe and could be done.
What do yall think? dont bash me i'm o hopping on the cycle unless i get positive feedback and people think i can do it safely.
Thank you!
I've been playing sports my whole life and im a pretty fit guy i'm 6'4 at 205 pounds and i rep 225 on bench press, deadlift 400, and squat around 285 ( low i know im just kinda tall, i focus more on front squat and deads ). I have an ice hockey background sense i was very young and started at 7 years old, i also played a variety of contact sports and recently within the last three years had been in muay thai and jiu jitsu. I quit because doctors told me i'd be retarded by 50 to 0 because of concussions unless i stopped.
Now i am here to talk about what kind of compounds i could take. I know many of you if not all would disagree and say i have enough test, my HPTA system is still developing and i dont want to fuck myslef up... etc. Now im only here to ask questions i dont want yall chooing me out for asking all these questions because im taking the smart route instead of saying fuck everyones advise and jump on a cycle.
First off i know shutting down my own natural test production is dangerous at my age but i've done a lot of research on many compouds and ill start by saying i've been looking at anavar... it's been said dht steroids do not aromitize much if any at all so technically icould be safe taking something like anavar couldn't i? or maybe even masteron/proviron(similar) ? if i were to do this id do everything correct with AI n hand and PCT , i'd do a very strong pct something like Clomid 100/100/50/50/25 plus forma stanzol and maybe throw in proviron... or take HCG during cycle to keep theboys working and help me not crash hardcore. I want to here yalls thoughts on this and what yall think? What if i did Test cyp at8-10 weeks 300mg-400mg while taking letrozale and hcg on cycle and a strong pct? maybe add in masteron or proviron for the estrogen blocking effects? something along those lines. I know this could work and i know yall are probably thinking "no" but if im on hcg through the cycle and taking letrozale and proviron or mast on cycle i could keep aromitization to a minimum and hcg would keep my hpta up which i feel wouldn't fuck me over natural test wize for the rest of my life. Doing all these steps i'd like to know if it could be done without me fucking myself over? maybe even just taking masteron by itself or hop on a 4 month GH cycle at 4iu per day (safe and wont fuck ver my hpta). Could i even try a SARM? would that fuck me over? what are yalls thoughts? i know alot about this stuff and been researching for a good two years now and i know i dont need a cycle but i've been weightlifting a while and i see people my age hop on cycles and gain big but dont really even know wtf there doing and i realize i could do this and gain alot with my knowledge, they dont do proper pct and take the right precautions there arrogant and dumb.
my life goal is to be 230-245 pounds and strong but fast, i feel i could get there naturally easily staying on course but if i utilize my age i could get taller from the right cycle of steroids or GH and i'd plan on bulking to 220 then jumping on my cycle if i decide too which is probably not going to happen but if i do i could be sitting around 230-240 after and pretty fuckin strong. I wouldn't cycle again for a while and would probably be content for a long time (4-5 years) until i'd hop on another cycle.
I want to here yalls honest opinion if i could do this, because oking at evidence with anavar or even GH i could pull this off without fucking up my hpta from the things ive researched, doing the proper on cycle precautions and protocol and makes sense that it would be OKAY or safe and could be done.
What do yall think? dont bash me i'm o hopping on the cycle unless i get positive feedback and people think i can do it safely.
Thank you!