If it wasn't for the drug detection time (1 year +), I would love deca.
My very first cycle was deca only. Started at 200mg a week, and finished at week 12 at 400 mg. Excellent results. No lasting side effects.
i love deca. very clean solid aas. alot of people hate it because of deca dick issues which ive never had. my input is give it a try and find out fo yourself as you will never really know. unless your gonna be tested for whatever because it is detectable for ALONG time especially if your a fat phuck like me.
Moon face... I like that one.. I say 10 gallon bucket head... Nolvy or Adex helps me there.. This will be the first time in 18yrs that I will add deca... Was too afraid of the severe suppression of my ol natural production... I have an RX...so I'm gonna keep the test higher than the deca...so I hope not to get deca dick.
I've always wanted to try it...I've heard nothing but wonders in ref to the gains..... vamos haber...