I don't want to jinx it or anything, but I have a couple of things going that if they turn out the way I am hoping, could turn into a small private gym catering especially to football players.
I have some contacts that could make this a reality. If I can train some athletes, at the high school level ( we have won the past 5 or 6 state football championships straight) to pay the bills, that would be cool. I also may be training an NFL linebacker who graduated here 5 years ago, after the end of this NFL season. If that comes through, and I get the go ahead from a couple of other folks with the high school kids, then I may open up a key club.
My wife has been after me to do something like this for a little while. I am very hopefull that I may have something up and running by next spring. Need to do something to make these slow ass white boys around here get some speed and strength.
I may get some flack from the high school strength coach, but even if I just cater to kids wanting to make the team the next year, it could still work. I don't need to make any money off the deal, just enough to cover the rent and equipment payments would be plenty. And I would have a cool place to train out of the deal as well. Also, I like passing along info, and love to see people get stronger, so it is a win, win, win deal if I can pull it off.
And Deciever, you are welcome here any time.