lift breakdown, brent, and ultra-wide squatting
675 - yes
725 - yes
771 - yes
475 - yes
534 - yes
556 - NO
565 - yes
615 - yes
640 - yes
On the squat, I was plagued by a last few really bad training sessions with my new squat suit, depth, etc. I had really hoped early on in this training cycle to hit an 800 again. However, I decided to play it wisely and take easy openers.
771 was not easy, but I had some left. I seriousuly contemplated a 4th attempt WA state record of 805, but I knew I had been out of 3 lifting for 5 years and needed to focus on a total. Also, my competitive spirit came out and I was sizing up the competition who were all neck and neck.
On the bench, I got 10 pounds more than I had done all training cycle in the gym, with a 535. It was EZ. I honestly don't know what happened on 3rd attempt really. I had seriously contemplated doing 573 with my tighter shirt, but again played it wise and took a weight i thought I'd smoke. I think I was just a little loopy and took it for granted. Maybe my shoulder was a little tired??? You can't take any weight for granted, especially your 3rd attempts. No fear. Westside and bands work. After only 4 months of really training on it hard after injury, I am very satisfied by the progress.
BTW: by some fluke of nature, the 535 is now a Washington State 275 APF 3-lift BP record because the guy who held the record previously was really an Oregon resident. So, yes, for one brief twinkle in time, I own the record with a paltry 535. BUT I have grand plans for next time. Don't even think about it PLJAY. I will have the judges check your residency
Deadlifts.... I know I am gonna catch some shit here, because I have made the mistake of spouting that I was thinking I could pull 700. So let me state first that I did mostly Westside style training all the way until the end of the meet cycle, where I decided to take a single after squat and see how it felt. Well, i went up to 600 (on the same day I dumped 755 off my back) and it went up ok. I was a little defused and unsure of myself. Once I got to the meet, I hit my groove by the last attempt of 640. I think I left some in the tank and am very excited for the next meet. The bottom line for me is that I need to pull more often to practice form. 700 will come within a year
Regarding Brent. Now this is a really down to earth, humble, dedicated and smart man. You can look at this guy and tell he is different from Gary Frank in a few respects. I have had the pleasure of meeting (and now talking with both).
Gary is a genetic freak. His hands make mine feel small when they grasp mine. From what I used to know, Gary is still able to make gains with good old fashioned heavy style training. I think this is due to not tapping out his genetics. Only when you are running up against a wall or trying to overcome an injury should you get really creative.
Now Brent is a big man (see my pictures later), but you can tell it was all built from shitloads of hard work, smart training, and careful thought. I am NOT implying that Gary doesn't think! I am implying he doesnt have to be as creative because he is just a monster. Anyway, back to Brent:
Brent was coming off a quad pull 1 week before Seniors. He didn't really know what he was gonna do. He also had to get used to my bar, which, quite frankly isn't in good enough shape for 1000lbs any more. It whipped badly on his second attempt and he was a little shaky with it. I thought he would pass his 3rd attempt, but he amazingly told me he could compensate for it by flexing his hams hard at the top and waiting for the whip to subside. I *hope* I have this one on video, but his 1047 was rock solid. I think had the bar been one he was used to or a real Sutherland bar, he could have tried to beat his best. By the way, Brent is a deep as hell squatter.
One more observation for people having trouble about ultra-wide stance squatting. The monolift they had at this meet was the old style one where the length from floor support to floor support is 48". This can NOT accomodate the new ultra-wide stance squat, especially with toes pointed out. Well, you know what. By turning my feet back in, and bringing in my stance, I was able to sink all 3 of my squats (not a single red for me the entire meet).
My biggest concern coming into this meet was how uncomfortable I was with squatting so wide. After this experience and speaking with Brent (who by the way is the best squatter in the world), I am changing my stance back. It is still wide mind-you, just not so wide that I will have trouble getting passed.
Take care and I am working on the videos. I can't seem to find my battery or adapter so it may take awhile if i have to replace these. But i DO have the tape!