I did not quite get the question in matter, but given the name of the topic I guess you want to know if HCG will help with fat loss and what other benefits it will render.
Well, it will definitely not help with fat loss, so I would not count on HCG for that purpose.
Mostly it is used for it test boosting properties, in order to keep the testicles big and functioning during a cycle, and to supposedly help with the recovery of testosterone production. However, it is not the optimal choice.
The thing is that it only mimics the functions on LH and FSH, so it will indeed raise test levels while used. However, it does not actually stimulate the functions of LH and FSH, and could even suppress them, since they are not used when HCG is taken. As a result, you get a spike in testosterone levels, and estrogen will raise as well. Once you stop taking it, testosterone levels will also drop, but estrogen will remain there. As a result, you can end up with such side effects as gyno and suppression.
So as you can see, it will not really do much for the recovery of your HPTA functions. Instead, I would rather use something that will actually stimulate the production of testosterone, such as HCGenerate ES. It will not cause any side effects at all, and since it does not just mimic the functions of LH and FSH, its effects will remain even after you stop using it.
Besides, it feels good to use something natural and in pills, which saves you a lot of trouble with additional injections.