Start by giving some type of time frame goals. "I don't care how long it takes" wont really work. Set some targets. If u have nothing to hold urself accountable to then this wont work.
What u can start with now is diet. That's the biggest part to this. Switch to lean meats and veggies. That alone will make a huge difference. Eat lots of chicken breast with broccoli and extra virgin olive and low fat parmesan. Tasty and pretty healthy. Baked or seared fish is awesome. Green beans, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach in decent portions with all ur meals. Healthy veggies are low in calories but will fill u up. If u really want to do this right ur eliminate potatoes, breads and white rice. Id stay clear of brown rice bit a little every few days isn't terrible. Go to the diet section and read all the threads and critiques of peoples diets. It really comes down to how bad u want to lose weight. U can make this happen or just screw around with it for a few months and give up. U can cheat now and then but Its really total shift in how u eat forever.
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