Got a kick out of this from the Star
Lose five pounds fast! When a casting agent utters these four words, Hollywood hopefuls shudder.
But for one already enviably slim young actor (who spoke to Star on the condition that he not be identified by name), dropping any extra pounds ASAP seemed nearly impossible — until he got a shocking tip from a lithe young woman he met at an L.A. hotspot!
"You need to get some Clenbuterol!" she told him. "It's what all the girls are using to stay thin!" Better known as "Clen" to its many A-list devotees, this easily swallowed pill is the newest, nonaddictive way some celebs are taking off as many as 6 to 10 pounds in a week, without endlessly sweating over Stairmasters or counting calories! But as Star's investigation reveals, there can be a hefty price for getting pin-thin in a flash!
Please if you read this artical know that it is utter bullshit!
Lose five pounds fast! When a casting agent utters these four words, Hollywood hopefuls shudder.
But for one already enviably slim young actor (who spoke to Star on the condition that he not be identified by name), dropping any extra pounds ASAP seemed nearly impossible — until he got a shocking tip from a lithe young woman he met at an L.A. hotspot!
"You need to get some Clenbuterol!" she told him. "It's what all the girls are using to stay thin!" Better known as "Clen" to its many A-list devotees, this easily swallowed pill is the newest, nonaddictive way some celebs are taking off as many as 6 to 10 pounds in a week, without endlessly sweating over Stairmasters or counting calories! But as Star's investigation reveals, there can be a hefty price for getting pin-thin in a flash!
Please if you read this artical know that it is utter bullshit!