wonders me that you can't deadlift more as you squat, isn't that normal ? For me the Deadlift is easier than the squat... but hope that your ass really goes to gras, bro, does it... ?!?
don't think that 'eating' is the solution... correct and hard training is the answer, man... When you stalled at 5x5 you should train your lifts in a rep range from 1-3 to increase your strength, after that you can go back the 5ers and alternate every week as I do, you see in my log, at the moment it work...
It is clear that when your Bodyweight is in the 'normal' region, you can't lift so much as a lifter who weights 20-50kgs more than you but for me the 'relative strength' is the point at issue where you can compare these lifters in different weight classes.....
yesterday I trained, Bodyweight this morning, 82,2 kgs, weight going back half a kgs, ate very clean the last two days and will stay with it till weekend....
greets Waczallan....