In this video, I explain what deca dick is and how you can prevent it.
Deca dick is kind of over blown. Deca dick is the result of high estrogen/prolactin levels AND/OR from not including an androgenic steroid in your steroid cycle.
Deca is a nandrolone which increases prolactin levels in your body. When you run a cycle with deca, you need include both:
An AI like aromasin - to keep estrogen in the low-normal range
An anti prolactin drug like cabergoline -to keep prolactin in the low-normal range
Deca is primarily an anabolic steroid .The problem with that is that if you run deca by itself, your natural testosterone production will be suppressed and you can experience low androgen side effects like low libido. You always want to include an androgenic steroid into a cycle with deca like testosterone, proviron, or trenbolone.
I personally feel stacking deca with testosterone makes the most sense.
In summary, you can prevent deac dick by:
1. Running your testosterone dosage higher then the deca. I.e. testosterone at 500mg/week and deca at 300mg/week
2. Use an AI with your cycle to keep estrogen in the low-normal range - aromasin at 10mg EOD
3. Use an anti-prolactin drug to keep prolactin in the low-normal range - cabergoline at 0.25mg EOD
If you do 1-3, you won't experience deca dick. Deca dick is the result of not including a high enough testosterone base in your cycle or high estrogen/prolactin levels.
I like a dosage of 500mg/week of testosterone + 300mg/week of deca, along with the support supplements of aromasin and cabergoline.
Deca dick is kind of over blown. Deca dick is the result of high estrogen/prolactin levels AND/OR from not including an androgenic steroid in your steroid cycle.
Deca is a nandrolone which increases prolactin levels in your body. When you run a cycle with deca, you need include both:
An AI like aromasin - to keep estrogen in the low-normal range
An anti prolactin drug like cabergoline -to keep prolactin in the low-normal range
Deca is primarily an anabolic steroid .The problem with that is that if you run deca by itself, your natural testosterone production will be suppressed and you can experience low androgen side effects like low libido. You always want to include an androgenic steroid into a cycle with deca like testosterone, proviron, or trenbolone.
I personally feel stacking deca with testosterone makes the most sense.
In summary, you can prevent deac dick by:
1. Running your testosterone dosage higher then the deca. I.e. testosterone at 500mg/week and deca at 300mg/week
2. Use an AI with your cycle to keep estrogen in the low-normal range - aromasin at 10mg EOD
3. Use an anti-prolactin drug to keep prolactin in the low-normal range - cabergoline at 0.25mg EOD
If you do 1-3, you won't experience deca dick. Deca dick is the result of not including a high enough testosterone base in your cycle or high estrogen/prolactin levels.
I like a dosage of 500mg/week of testosterone + 300mg/week of deca, along with the support supplements of aromasin and cabergoline.