I like it.
I would probably go for 12 weeks.
If you just want to gain some muscle and recomp, then you don't need to go too high with the test (high test is for getting SWOLE) then this is what I would recommend having done it myself:
12 weeks
Test Cyp 250mg per week spread over two 125mg shots
Turinabol 20-30mg ed for weeks 1-8
Add in Cardarine at 20mg every day if you can for the whole cycle.
If your diet is good and is putting you in a slight caloric deficit, then you could easily end up at 10-11% in 12 weeks, with muscle than you have now.
On a side note, Turinabol is a fantastic steroid, and imo is highly underrated. I think it's honestly my favorite oral - can be used on a bulk or cut, and it improves power which improves all athletic performance.