Why It isn't Duncan, Kidd, Ben Wallace, Shaq, you know our Dominant players, is beyond me. Why do these people turn down the Olympics? Why do we have "second tier" guys representing?
Why It isn't Duncan, Kidd, Ben Wallace, Shaq, you know our Dominant players, is beyond me. Why do these people turn down the Olympics? Why do we have "second tier" guys representing?
I read in an article that they kept getting called for traveling cause in international rules they dont give you that extra hop step that everyone uses these days. No excuses though its F-in embarassing to not only lose, but get blown out.
good fuckin lesson for em...they need to learn that the basics and fundementals are still what wins games, and they better pull their heads out of their asses with all the pretty boy shit, before all these foreiners come to the states and steal all their jobs.