[FONT="]Just womdering what your guys's thoughts are on a dosing tren enanthate at 600mg ew and test enanthate at 400mg ew? Considering switching it up this time.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT]
Just go half dose of each and you will be good, 200mg test with 300mg tren is amazing cycle. Tren is amazing compound but you must respect tren and if you use too much you will be in problem 100%. I run tren ace, tren e, tren hex and never go over 250mg per week, if you have real tren, not some underdosed sh*t, 250mg is plenty.
people ask me that question all the time but you have to remember that tren is 5X more androgenic than test. your libido will go up on tren with or without test if you react well to androgens related to libido.
if you react well to estrogen then your libido will go up far higher stacking test with it obviously. combining both it will be ridiculous and counter productive.
Just womdering what your guys's thoughts are on a dosing tren enanthate at 600mg ew and test enanthate at 400mg ew? Considering switching it up this time.
[FONT="]Just womdering what your guys's thoughts are on a dosing tren enanthate at 600mg ew and test enanthate at 400mg ew? Considering switching it up this time.[/FONT] [FONT="] [/FONT]