Depends on goals. From personal experience, I didn't like ace got bulking. It's power on your metabolism is way to strong for the real "bulk" you want. Highly depends on the Individual I've always had a fast metabolism so ace did nothing for me. Maybe for the person who holds fat easier when they try bulk it would help to keep that to a minimum. I'm on tren e right now and I can tell you from MY experience enth is better for bulking. Doesn't ramp your metabolism so much, but still get the greaT treen effect of muscle separation and roundness. I'm eating almost in a 1000-1500 cal surplus and only gained 10lbs so far and it's my 6th week but I've had more of a noticeable change in the look of my body rather than size difference.
Me personally I probably won't use it for bulking again as it just doesn't cut it for me. I need heavy androgens (high test, dbol etc.) to really grow. Heck 750mgs of test e and dbol for a few weeks and I gained 25lbs in 8 weeks. Test e/tren e only 10lbs so far but I've rounded out heaps and have a more 3D look which is what tren does primarily.
I'm going back to ace straight away for my cut in 4 weeks and very excited to see what it does. Because when I ran it in a surplus it hardened the Fuxk out of me, so in a deficit it should be lethal.
That's my stance in tren anyway. I can only tell you from my experience so nothing I said is set in stone nessesacarily