Hello fellow users!
Going into a cycle after 3 years! A little background first.
I'm a 25 year old male, 183cm (about 6"0), currently at 100.5 kgs. Was at my top about 3 years ago but then moved to Australia where I kind of got lazy and didn't really do much for the past 3 years. Put on about 15 kgs until 6 months ago when I decided to get back in shape.
I've done 2 cycles in the past, both bulk cycles - the first a sustanon and deca for about 10 weeks (can't really remember) and a sustanon and stanozolol cycle. I was living in India back then so it's what I could get my hands on from the pharmacies around town.
About 6 months ago after being to the gym on and off (mostly off) I decided to get in shape hard. had around 22% BF and 109 kgs - literally the fattest I've ever been. Reason for that is I started a business, got a girlfriend and didn't really have time to exercise as I was working 12-16 hrs a day.
Regardless of that, since around april, I've gone down to 99-100 kgs with about 18% BF. Been dieting fairly consistently apart from the occasional weekend booze up that always ends up with a double meat kebab – well that's over now.
I'm starting to gather y gear for my third cycle - which will be a cutting cycle - and would love some opinions.
Before we continue, some points I'd like to make:
- I've never had experience with Trenbolone so chose to go with a shorter esther
- Australia is EXPENSIVE and HARD to get ahold of gear - hence why I'll be doing 8 weeks, 10 if I'm really happy by the 6th.
- Will start in about 2 weeks when I can get ahold of all the products including PCT
The base of the cycle right now
8 Weeks (maybe 10)
Trenbolone Acetate
50mg ED from week 1 to 8
Testosterone Propionate
75mg ED form week 1 to 8
Anavar (Oxandrolone)
50mg ED from week 3 to 8
0.5mg ED from week 1 to 8
E (Ephedrine)
1-2 pills ED
– This is a bit of a catch - it's just a thermogenic with ephedra extract in it that that I've taken 1 month on 1 month off - actually really works for me
Optionals (if I'm able to get and if it's not an overkill)
20 mcg ED (up to 50mcg from week 2.5 to 6)
I've read that tren is quite rough on the thyroid and taking T3 with such cycles is quite beneficial?
1mg Once a week from week 1 to 8
For prolactin control - maybe an overkill?
C4 Extreme
Whey and Casein Protein, Creatine (I have like a kilo lying around for no reason - need to get rid of it).
After workout and before sleep respectively
I take a standard off the shelf multi-vitamin every morning but might include Animal Pak depending on finances - maybe an overkill but it makes me feel better about myself
100mg ED on Week 9
50mg ED on week 10
25mg ED on week 11 and 12
20mg ED week 10, 11 and 12
25mg ED weel 10, 11 and 12
I like to change it every day. No point in talking specifics but here we go.
– Light breakfast usually consisting of oats, eggs or sometimes muesli
– Lunch is usually some high GI carb (been really into quinoa lately) with lean meat (mostly fish and chicken breast) with salad variety
– Dinner I avoid carbs and usually just have fish or sometimes chicken
– Not drinking at all since I've taken a charity thing with the missus where we can't drink until december
What are your opinions?
Going into a cycle after 3 years! A little background first.
I'm a 25 year old male, 183cm (about 6"0), currently at 100.5 kgs. Was at my top about 3 years ago but then moved to Australia where I kind of got lazy and didn't really do much for the past 3 years. Put on about 15 kgs until 6 months ago when I decided to get back in shape.
I've done 2 cycles in the past, both bulk cycles - the first a sustanon and deca for about 10 weeks (can't really remember) and a sustanon and stanozolol cycle. I was living in India back then so it's what I could get my hands on from the pharmacies around town.
About 6 months ago after being to the gym on and off (mostly off) I decided to get in shape hard. had around 22% BF and 109 kgs - literally the fattest I've ever been. Reason for that is I started a business, got a girlfriend and didn't really have time to exercise as I was working 12-16 hrs a day.
Regardless of that, since around april, I've gone down to 99-100 kgs with about 18% BF. Been dieting fairly consistently apart from the occasional weekend booze up that always ends up with a double meat kebab – well that's over now.
I'm starting to gather y gear for my third cycle - which will be a cutting cycle - and would love some opinions.
Before we continue, some points I'd like to make:
- I've never had experience with Trenbolone so chose to go with a shorter esther
- Australia is EXPENSIVE and HARD to get ahold of gear - hence why I'll be doing 8 weeks, 10 if I'm really happy by the 6th.
- Will start in about 2 weeks when I can get ahold of all the products including PCT
The base of the cycle right now
8 Weeks (maybe 10)
Trenbolone Acetate
50mg ED from week 1 to 8
Testosterone Propionate
75mg ED form week 1 to 8
Anavar (Oxandrolone)
50mg ED from week 3 to 8
0.5mg ED from week 1 to 8
E (Ephedrine)
1-2 pills ED
– This is a bit of a catch - it's just a thermogenic with ephedra extract in it that that I've taken 1 month on 1 month off - actually really works for me
Optionals (if I'm able to get and if it's not an overkill)
20 mcg ED (up to 50mcg from week 2.5 to 6)
I've read that tren is quite rough on the thyroid and taking T3 with such cycles is quite beneficial?
1mg Once a week from week 1 to 8
For prolactin control - maybe an overkill?
C4 Extreme
Whey and Casein Protein, Creatine (I have like a kilo lying around for no reason - need to get rid of it).
After workout and before sleep respectively
I take a standard off the shelf multi-vitamin every morning but might include Animal Pak depending on finances - maybe an overkill but it makes me feel better about myself
100mg ED on Week 9
50mg ED on week 10
25mg ED on week 11 and 12
20mg ED week 10, 11 and 12
25mg ED weel 10, 11 and 12
I like to change it every day. No point in talking specifics but here we go.
– Light breakfast usually consisting of oats, eggs or sometimes muesli
– Lunch is usually some high GI carb (been really into quinoa lately) with lean meat (mostly fish and chicken breast) with salad variety
– Dinner I avoid carbs and usually just have fish or sometimes chicken
– Not drinking at all since I've taken a charity thing with the missus where we can't drink until december
What are your opinions?