i have posted on the anabolic board before but not this one.
I am about to do a TKD diet and use tren to keep the muscle I have and maybe gain a little bit. i was wondering if you have any good ideas on the training i should be doing during this phase. i was going to run the tren and TKD for 7 weeks. I am 200lbs and 14% bodyfat, hoping to get down to 8%. thanks,ezra
i have posted on the anabolic board before but not this one.
I am about to do a TKD diet and use tren to keep the muscle I have and maybe gain a little bit. i was wondering if you have any good ideas on the training i should be doing during this phase. i was going to run the tren and TKD for 7 weeks. I am 200lbs and 14% bodyfat, hoping to get down to 8%. thanks,ezra