if you need it use it, if you feel its an unfair advantage dont use it, imo.....I couldnt set PR's without it, and sweaty palms is a disadvantage, so I see no harm in the stuff.
I almost always use it on my heavy sets of deads, bench, rows..etc.. But for instance I don't use it on Deads till I'm up around 500 Pounds.. That way I get more grip work..
im a chalk junky, i chalk my my hands for almost everything(expect for like lateral raises, or crunches), i keep a box of chalk in my car for emergency purposes, perhaps sometime i may need to lift a bus off of a kitten for an old women, well im ready. hell i squatted with a safety squat bar(you dont even need to hold onto it) on friday and still chalked my hands. If in the first ten minutes of my arrival at the gym if i dont have chalk all over myself, somthing is wrong.
I personally haven't tried chalk yet, but I use a rosin bag to dry out my hands. I hope to try chalk here soon to see if there is a noticeable difference between that and the rosin bag.
I prefer to use something to dry my hands when pulling heavy. Heck, I used dirt off the garage floor for my 405 pr deadlift some time ago.*LOL*
I actually got a better grip with rosin bag/dirt than I did with gloves. Soooooo......I no use gloves anymore for anything. (Besides, it would have been to embarassing on this board to brag about a 405 deadlift if I had gloves on....)