I've seen 6s go to 8s with just alittle work----hell if you can bag a chick thats a virgin with 8 tendencies---you may have found your future wife-----
if she is really working to be a 6------then just don't play with her head---tell her you will have sex with her but you aren't interested in a relationship-----she will diff---fall for you so be ready for it---but you will be that much better off if you spell everything out before hand-----its going to blow up in your face anyways but just set it up where you come out looking like the nice guy instead of the ass that fucked her over----
make sure you you make her first time something she will never forget----I myself would drop a roll(xtc)and 100mg viagra and do things to her that she for sure may never see for some time.(don't let her do any drugs--make sure she remembers everything)....Just remember the first time is going to hurt like hell for her------hook it up where you have like 12 hours to do what you got to do...have fun peace