Why even use Dbol? You are already starting out with a short ester test so I don't see why you would throw in Dbol other than "just because". It's not like it will make or break your cycle. More is definately not always better especially when you are probably doubling your side effect risks. No matter how many drugs you take your body will only be able to put as much muscle on as you allow it through calorie surplus, and even then there is a limit. I'm not sure what your previous experience is with the compounds you're using but it just seems excessive. It almost seems like a cut and paste type of cycle where you're just putting high doses of a bunch of different steroids together and hoping for some sort of synergistic effect. In the first 4 weeks you're putting well over 2 grams of drugs in your system not counting the Dbol.
If I were to build the "ultimate" bulk cycle it wouldn't be only in regards to total weight gain. It'd have to account for possible side effects, retainable gains, health risks, fat gain, etc.. I would probably do something more on the lines of this:
Weeks 1-3: Test Enanth/Cyp 300-400mg E5D, Test susp 50-75mg ED, Oxandrolone 50mg ED, 12.5mcg T3 ED
Weeks 4-8: Test Enanth/Cyp 300-400mg E5D, Fina 75mg EOD, Ox 50mg ED, 12.5mcg T3 ED
Weeks 9-11: Test Susp 50-75mg ED, Fina 75mg EOD, Ox 50mg ED, 12.5mcg T3 ED
I'd run clomid for 3 weeks after my final day of week 11. I'd begin l-dex a week before starting the cycle and continue it as long as I'm on the clomid. I'd have nolva on hand but only use it if need be. I'd also run some vitex the day I started Fina and continue using it throughout the clomid therapy.
Of course the cycle is not as aggressive as yours and in the end I still think it's over doing it. 3-400mg of test every 5th day doesn't sound like much but when you're running it with 2-3 other anabolics you simply don't need a gram. I chose Ox throughout because to me it really is a wonder drug and I think it'd help keep fat gain down throughout the cycle as well as giving nice strength gains. I had good results with fina and combined with the Ox the strength gains would be awesome and again I think it'd help keep fat gain to a minimum even if I only used 75mg EOD. I think 75mg of Fina daily along with 800mg of test AND 800mg of EQ AND 75mg of Winny is just nuts. If I didn't want to run Ox throughout I'd have chosen Dbol instead of Test Susp in the beginning. However since Dbol seems to be harsh on the hair and skin I'd prefer not to even mess with it at all. Also I personally probably wouldn't mess with the short ester tests in the final 3 weeks unless I was doing a test only cycle. Since you're running Fina and Winny during this time it seems unnecessary.
I'm not trying to tell you that you're "wrong", it just seems that those are some mega doses and probably aren't needed. Unless you've been doing AS for many years and require massive amounts to see gains I think your cycle is just overkill to say the least. I'm fairly new to AS and I have no doubt that I could put on 25 pounds in a cycle with Test and Ox alone without ever touching the EQ, Fina or Winny. If I felt the need to add EQ it wouldn't be at 800mg nor would the Fina be 75mg ED. If I were to run either of these compounds seperately then I'd dose them higher, but along with the Test and orals it seems a waste of good gear.
Anyway that's just my opinion anyway, your mileage may vary.