Knowing the difference between the different types of testosterone on the market is key to helping you choose the best fit for your cycle.
So you’ve made the big choice to finally inject that needle intramuscularly and go for those massive increases and erections from your younger days. The question now is: which type of testosterone is best? You’ve heard everything from Prop hurting the most to Cypionate requiring the fewest injections, but there has to be one that’s better than the other, right?
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone (C19H28O2) is the primary male sexual hormone, and it is responsible for all of the normal biological characteristics of men, including penile and testicular development, body and facial hair, sex drive, and sperm production. Exogenous testosterone has been linked to an increase in muscle growth, bone density, and even a decrease in fat mass; as a result, numerous athletes (particularly strength and physique) use it to obtain an advantage in competition.
Even in a caloric deficit, a simple dose of 200mg of Testosterone Enanthate resulted in a 2.5kg/5.5lbs rise in Fat Free mass compared to the control group, according to a study published in 2019. Not only does this show that exogenous testosterone can tamper with the rules of thermodynamics, but it also shows that testosterone can have a significant impact on how an athlete competes. Because the average male only makes 49–55mg of testosterone per week, a significant amount of exogenous testosterone is required before we see positive outcomes.
What Types of Testosterones Are There?
As previously stated, testosterone has a unique chemical formula (C19H28O2), although there are other types of exogenous testosterone available. There is essentially little difference between them except for the length of the carbon atom chains. In essence, there is no chemical difference between them, and they will all provide comparable results — albeit with little variations.
Testosterone Propionate – Shortest Chain
Testosterone Propionate (or “Prop”) is the testosterone with the shortest carbon chain, which makes it relatively easy to break down once supplied to the body. Because it has a half-life of about 4.5 days, the number of injections required increases dramatically (EOD of even ED). This, of course, increases the danger of infection following an injection, but it also allows the user to more precisely maintain steady blood levels. Another advantage of a short chain compound is that, while it “goes in fast,” it also “goes out fast,” so if you have significant side effects, they will subside in a matter of days.
Test Prop is normally dosed at 100mg/ml, although it can also be dosed at 150mg/ml. This is a technique that is more typically utilized by physique athletes than by strength athletes. The reason for this is that a shorter ester (Carbon Chain) carries less water due to reduced aromatization (the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen), but most users will likely employ an aromatize inhibitor anyway.
Positives: Denser than other esters, making blood levels easier to control; yet, it may hold less water.
Negatives: Injecting is painful, and there is a high frequency of injections. It may also be more expensive.
Best Use: While it’s OK to use in the off-season, it’s most typically used in the weeks leading up to a bodybuilding competition.
Testosterone Enanthate – Medium Chain
Testosterone Enanthate (also known as “Test E” or “Enth”) is a middle-of-the-road compound with a medium carbon chain length. This makes it a reasonable alternative for users because you can still manage blood levels quite well, similar to Prop, but because the half life is roughly 7–9 days, the injection frequency is lower, only once every 5 days. It’s a popular choice among strength and physique athletes, usually dosed at 250mg/ml.
Because it is not as thick as Test Prop, the amount required to get the same blood levels as Prop may be higher, and the choice is ultimately a personal one.
Positives: Injections are given less frequently, and they are readily available.
Negatives: It’s not as dense as Testosterone Prop, and some people find it uncomfortable.
Best Use: Well, anywhere. Athletes frequently utilize it.
Testosterone Cypionate – Longer Chain
Testosterone Cypionate (or “Cyp” [Pronounced ‘Sip’]) is a longer-chain testosterone molecule with a much slower release rate and an 8-day half-life. The frequency of injections decreases considerably as a result of the slower release rate, with some people only injecting Cyp once every two weeks. Unfortunately, this does not allow you to adequately control blood levels, thus most people still opt for a more frequent (twice weekly) injection regimen.
Because it is the least thick of the aforementioned esters, Cyp is also known for being the least unpleasant to inject. This, too, necessitates “more oil” in order to obtain the same blood levels as them.
Positives: Fewer injections are required, they are widely available, and they are said to be the least painful to inject.
Negatives: Not as thick as Testosterone Prop or Enth; yet, it may be able to contain more water.
Optimal Application: It’s more typical to employ it when you’re far away from the competition. Athletes commonly utilize it as a Testosterone Replacement Therapy.
Testosterone Suspension – Water Based Testosterone
Testosterone Suspension (also known as “Aqua Test” or “Suspension”) is virtually solely obtained in the steroid market and is unlikely to be prescribed by a doctor or other healthcare professional. The key reason for this is that because this molecule is water-based, it just takes a few hours for it to enter the bloodstream. Suspension can be conveyed in water because it is a non-estrified testosterone derivative. Water-based exogenous hormones are easier to break down and use than oil-based hormones.
A dosage of 50–100mg per day during the last 10 days before a bodybuilding or strength-based contest is extremely typical, and is often dosed at 100mg/ml. This can assist bodybuilders come in drier and may also help with the carbohydrate loading period. It’s used by strength athletes to boost their aggression and power before a competition. Unfortunately, because germs can survive in water, Suspension poses a significant risk of infection. Water-based chemicals are also notorious for being incredibly painful to inject.
Positives: Excellent for blood pressure management.
Negatives: Infections are prevalent and quite unpleasant.
Best Uses: Pre Contest/Meet
Testosterone Sustanon – Blended Testosterone
All of the compounds previously mentioned were made up of one Testosterone with a single chain length. Sustanon (or simply “Sust”) is a testosterone blend made up of several different testosterones. It was created to be used as a hormone replacement therapy, with the multiple testosterones releasing at varied rates into the blood due to changes in chain length.
Sustanon is made up of Testosterone propionate, Testosterone phenylpropionate (a somewhat longer variant of Test propionate), Testosterone isocaproate, and Testosterone decanoate and is dosed at 100mg/ml or 250mg/ml. This is a widely used medication, particularly among strength athletes. Because of the Decanoate, administration could theoretically only be every four weeks; however, those who use this compound as a PED would most likely administer it every week, at least once a week.
Advantages: You can set it and forget it.
Negatives: Blood levels are difficult to manage, and some people complain that injecting phenylpropionate is excruciatingly unpleasant.
Best Time to Use: During the off-season, as the longer-chain testosterones have a tendency to hold water.
Testosterone Decanoate – The Longest Testosterone
Decanoate is the longest chain testosterone available, as the name implies. This is practically never used as a PED, partly due to its scarcity, but also because sportsmen want to keep their blood levels steady, which is difficult to do with a half-life of 20 days.
Positives: Injections are given at the lowest possible frequency.
Negatives: Blood levels are difficult to control and find.
Best Use: Hormone replacement therapy.
Which Testosterone is the most effective?
The question of which Testosterone is the most effective is a bit of a taboo subject. They all have their own set of disadvantages and advantages. You selected the chemicals based on your objectives and, of course, your own reaction to them. Propionate is disliked by some people, while it is adored by others. Certain esters cause allergic responses in some people. It’s great to experiment and see what works best for you.
It is usual to use a shorter Ester, such as Prop, for cutting. Cypionate, Enanthate, and even Sustanon are excellent off-season (or strength) alternatives. Just remember to keep your estrogen levels under control and utilize sensible quantities.
It’s crucial to remember not to start two new compounds at the same time, because a negative reaction can’t be blamed on one because there’s no way of knowing which one produced the reaction.