Everyone right now is in a crappy mood and it seems working out has taken a back seat. well if you are feeling down and need a stack that will give you that extra motivation and make you feel good (that alpha feeling) where you jump out of bed and want to kick ass I have the stack for you. this isn't the classic test/deca/dbol stack you know, it is a variation.
This is a simple test E, dbol, small dose deca, along with cialis and viagra to give you extra pumps and keep the gf/bf happy. old school and great results.
very simple and gets the job done. all high quality and all available at our friends domestic-supply.com

This is a simple test E, dbol, small dose deca, along with cialis and viagra to give you extra pumps and keep the gf/bf happy. old school and great results.
very simple and gets the job done. all high quality and all available at our friends domestic-supply.com