Your cycle itself looks good but there are no support supplements. Here is a good video for you to watch on support supplements for the steroid user to stay side effect free while on cycle:
You need to add an AI to your cycle like aromasin to prevent estrogen related side effects like gyno. Start the AI on day 1 of your cycle and run it throughout your entire steroid cycle.
Winstrol is a liver toxic oral steroid so using a good liver aid supplement based on TUDCA, NAC and milk thistle like N2guard from is a really good idea.
Finally, 6 weeks is a very short cycle. I would increase your cycle length to at least 10 weeks.
Something like this:
Weeks 1 - 10
Test cyp 300mg/week (inject 150mg twice per week)
primo 200mg/week (inject 100mg twice per week)
winstrol 50mg/day (you can just drink the winstrol. No need to inject it. Measure out your dosage with a syringe, squirt it into your mouth, swallow and then chase with coffee/water/juice)
n2guard 7 capsules/day
aromasin 10mg EOD
After your cycle run the perfect PCT protocol ->
You can combine the test and primo in the same syringe so you only need to inject twice per week.