You obviously do not understand the difference between these two compounds. They are both testosterone, but they are different in their ester. The ester determines how long it takes for the injected hormone to become fully available and absorbed into your body. Prop is much faster acting than enanthate. You typically won't feel enanthate for a few weeks. Prop you usually feel within a couple of days. This also means the hormone is out of your system at much different times. if you pin 1 ml of prop on say Monday and another on Friday, you will experience spikes in you hormone levels that will more than likely lead to a bad experience, mood swings, etc... You want to keep you hormone levels as consistent as possible. The MINIMUM I suggest pinning any propionate oils is MWF, but preferably every other day, and even better is every day if you can handle pinning that much. With your current protocol you would essentially have 200mg of test in your system per week. That is barely above trt dosage. Ending your cycle with 3 weeks of enanthate makes no sense as this is a long ester. It takes weeks to kick in and weeks to clear your system.
You need to read more about cycling. I suggest holding on to what you have and then buying whatever you need to do a real cycle. With what you have right now you will just shut down your natural production for no reason at all.