Hey you there! Any suggestions, criticism, and corrections are welcomed. I will be running a Test E and Deca cycle in about a two months. My face has been nothing but locked on my phone for the past month or so researching. My girlfriend and gym buddies are hating me right now but I have to nail this cycle! Basically my cycle history is shit. I was younger and just an idiot listening to anything anyone would say to me. I have ran three previous cycles, all without HCG AI DA SERM or a PCT. I know, kill myself. What makes it worse is that of my three ran, all have included either Deca (2x) and Tren (1x). Face palm. . . So yeah im probably pretty fucked up inside and should have some blood work done but in reality im too lazy. I can say though (knock on wood) never any terrible estrogen related sides (mainly worried about gyno). Each cycle ran an average of about 10 weeks, and not 100% sure on dosage being they were all 3-5 years ago. I have been back in the gym now for about a year and a half and working out without gear just isnt the same. I train atleast 5 days a week. Diet is pretty spot on, 4-5 medium sized meals a day. 90% of the time clean, high protein/carb/vitamin enriched etc etc. And before I am obliterated by the perfect people out there, I am only human and 90% is damn good for someone like me who now finds it extremely discouraging working out natural now after running gear in the past. But trust me the motivation will come and my diet will be 100% on this cycle. Anyways pretty set on the Test E Deca cycle so it has to be very convincing before I'd even consider a Test only run. But still let me hear it, no tender heart here my friends. Along with the Test E and Deca I will be ordering ADEX, CABER, HCG all to run ON cycle. Definitely need a good mg schedule if you guys dont mind. I am wanting to run test for 14 weeks and deca for 12 weeks. Really torn on a good PCT as I have seen it all on there forums as im sure you all know. Really wanting to try some Torem but not sure if it will be available. Should i just run the throwback clomid/nolva PCT? That is also scary because some of the things i have heard with Deca and Nolva being a no no. Just please some more suggestions and schedules to help me out! Thanks in advance!
stats: 26 yrs old, 5'10", 185 lbs, and approximately 12% BF
stats: 26 yrs old, 5'10", 185 lbs, and approximately 12% BF