So this is the new thread focusing on North American's, but before I move on to that, I want to go over this show last weekend, which is now being called my warm-up show. Here's how it went down....
I can say that I will not do this show again. This promoter had competitors drive 45-60 minutes to weigh-ins (we had already driven 2 hours to get to the venue to begin with).
45-60 minutes to drive to weigh in
60 minute meeting where there were no chairs provided
45-60 minute drive back to the venue
That being said, we lost 3 hours of being able to get our prep work done the night before the show because the promoter didn't want to be inconvenienced. OK, not fine, but doable.....
They ran out of athlete badges (these get you in and out backstage and into the auditorium). Mine said Special Guest, Shawn's said Media.
They ran out of shirts for competitors (I didn't keep mine anyway, but it's just more disorganization).
Saturday morning meeting.....we actually got to sit for about 15 minutes, but - and this is where I really had to think of sportsmanship and try not to be a bitch - I was forced to compete with the hw class because the promoter screwed the guidelines up. They have shows in March, July and November. They "forgot" to change with weight guidelines from March, so they planned the whole show based on the March weight classes. My weight class on MY paperwork from THEIR website was 115-132 (mw), THEIR paper work said my weight class was 125 and up (hw). So here I am checking in and I'm informed "oh sorry, I screwed that up. You'll have to be a hw." I went on stage with a girl that was 160, another that was 152......and then there is me.....131. WTF?!?!?!?
So those are the bad points......The good ones?
A big endless bowl of frozen fruit (absolutely delicious when you're dying of thirst! - or anytime for that matter)
About 3 different kinds of oatmeal bars, cookies
Trail mix
Big bowl of regular m&m's
Big bowl of oreo cookies
Big Coleman jugs of water and Gatorade
So who's the promoter? Miles Productions. I was shocked at the disorganization of this show and I was shocked about the big speech we got Saturday morning on how it's all about the competitor. I don't think I see it quite like that. I will not do this show again, but it was needed experience and I value it for that. I will have photos soon, as I have not seen any of me except for the couple taken during my routine. I'm curious to see how little I looked! lol
I can say that I will not do this show again. This promoter had competitors drive 45-60 minutes to weigh-ins (we had already driven 2 hours to get to the venue to begin with).
45-60 minutes to drive to weigh in
60 minute meeting where there were no chairs provided
45-60 minute drive back to the venue
That being said, we lost 3 hours of being able to get our prep work done the night before the show because the promoter didn't want to be inconvenienced. OK, not fine, but doable.....
They ran out of athlete badges (these get you in and out backstage and into the auditorium). Mine said Special Guest, Shawn's said Media.
They ran out of shirts for competitors (I didn't keep mine anyway, but it's just more disorganization).
Saturday morning meeting.....we actually got to sit for about 15 minutes, but - and this is where I really had to think of sportsmanship and try not to be a bitch - I was forced to compete with the hw class because the promoter screwed the guidelines up. They have shows in March, July and November. They "forgot" to change with weight guidelines from March, so they planned the whole show based on the March weight classes. My weight class on MY paperwork from THEIR website was 115-132 (mw), THEIR paper work said my weight class was 125 and up (hw). So here I am checking in and I'm informed "oh sorry, I screwed that up. You'll have to be a hw." I went on stage with a girl that was 160, another that was 152......and then there is me.....131. WTF?!?!?!?
So those are the bad points......The good ones?
A big endless bowl of frozen fruit (absolutely delicious when you're dying of thirst! - or anytime for that matter)
About 3 different kinds of oatmeal bars, cookies
Trail mix
Big bowl of regular m&m's
Big bowl of oreo cookies
Big Coleman jugs of water and Gatorade
So who's the promoter? Miles Productions. I was shocked at the disorganization of this show and I was shocked about the big speech we got Saturday morning on how it's all about the competitor. I don't think I see it quite like that. I will not do this show again, but it was needed experience and I value it for that. I will have photos soon, as I have not seen any of me except for the couple taken during my routine. I'm curious to see how little I looked! lol