New member
This evening I was at my girlfriends parents house tonight and was asked to stay for dinner. I am going Keto right now but since they were having steak I didn't mind. I had a rather large steak, small salad with minimal ranch dressing, and a diet Dr. Pepper. So my girlfriend KNOWING I'm on a diet decides to make these coconut macarroons with fudge or some shit. Unaffected, her father and I(who is also doing a keto diet) sat through her, her mother, and one of her friends oohing and ahhing over these pastries. So towards the end, he asks me if I want some sugar free jello. I read the back and it was flavored with aspartame as I assume the DR P was, It also has citric acid. Only 10 calories and no carbs though so I said fuck it and ate it. How often do you guys indulge in these 0 calorie, 0 carb sweets? I just can't fathom them being good for you.