Draw with 18g, god that's so much better than 22's or 23's. Shoot with 23g. I don't like 25's, takes all day to shoot. Of course, I'm the sick fuck who'll use 21's on my quads.... but I digress.
Draw with 18g, god that's so much better than 22's or 23's. Shoot with 23g. I don't like 25's, takes all day to shoot. Of course, I'm the sick fuck who'll use 21's on my quads.... but I digress.
No need. Inject, and massage for a good minute or two. Massage not just the injection site, but move out to the surrounding muscle. This will practically eliminate all post-injection pain.
you can draw out with 23g it'll take about 10 seconds. Unless you have a real fat ass you can use 25G 1", 25G 1" for quads, 25G 5/8" for everywhere else. Unless you have massive shoulders go ahead with the 5/8"