"To me, John Kuc remains a unique man of mystery. He came up in powerlifting fast. His rise was unbelievable. Soon enough he had squatted 905 lbs., bench pressed 605 lbs., and came very close to an 875 lbs. deadlift, while weighing close to 300 lbs. His best official total was 2,350 lbs.
...Kuc lifts were extremely strict, especially in the squat and he did not stay heavy long enough to maximize his lifting potential that should have gone out at 950 lbs., 650 lbs. and 900 lbs. or 2,500 lbs. Later, he reduced his weight quickly and still remained world champion and set unbelievable deadlift marks at 275 lbs. and 242 lbs. He was extremely impressive and was considered unbeatable."
I know someone who competed against Kuc several times. I forget what they're called, but you know the muscles that run up the middle of your back, on either side of the spine? He said those muscles were so developed on Kuc that you could fit your whole hand inside them.