I have noticed, that on any cutting diet there can be some strength loss but not much. Usually, this is a factor that is abided by two things: either muscle loss, or the fact that muscle glycogen is depleted and it's harder to lift. But, trully, I've really seen a muscle loss everytime I've had a strength decrease.
i notice significant strength loss for about the first three or four weeks of a cutting cycle -- after that i am able to maintain whatever strength i have left >> if i were you i would supplement your diet with glutamine and creatine if you aren't already - this will minimize the loss of muscle
this seems typical of everybody - i wouldn't sweet it too much
With help of Mr X ,got my keto diet goin ,BTW Mr X the steak is sirloin thin sliced,so ima have 2peices hehe.......also i am takin creatine to help me have some fullness in lifting
Hey ESQ, creatine seems to be a good idea, but on a keto diet, your muscles are depleted of glycogen and carbs are a pretty critical part of getting creatine into your muscles. Maybe if your doing a CKD, but still... Any other opinions on that?
The creatine can still get in, just at a reduced rate. Though I wonder if you're eating a lot of red meats whether or not you need to supplement a lot of creatine? I dunno having never tried it. But really, if I diet properly, I experience very little strength loss until the last 2 weeks before a show but by then I've cut my carbs back and increased my cardio so a little loss is not a surprise.