Cool site: Well lets my best I think I would have squatted in the advanced category, but I've never done a 1RM before so I'm assuming if I could squat 225 8xs I could do 260 once, but I'm not certain. I bench in the Intermediate category and I don't deadlift (bad i know-but i dont know how to keep the bar from scraping my shins) and I don't do overhead presses.
Interesting. I don't do 1RMs either, so it's hard to tell. Definitely advanced for deadlift (375 lbs.) - that's the only one I've ever done a 1RM on though. Maybe if I had a spotter, I'd actually try 1RMs...
Interesting link. I'm gonna guess you probably know where I hit.
For ladies that train for strength, or train without neglecting strength, I think that even the Elite numbers (the numbers required to reach the top level in powerlifting) are low. It seems so much easier to reach Elite as a woman than as a man. Seems strange to me that Project and Hannibal will spend YEARS getting to Elite.
Mmm, and I'm sorry to say I'm still a beginner in most lifts, except for standing press (intermediate)? (this IS the thing from the shoulder, isn't it ???) Well I've only been lifting for 5 months, so not very strange
JJ - at the top of the page, they have the "formula" for folks that don't do 1RMs.
At my weight (210) I'm below beginner on all the lifts. It's humbling to see that I bench-press like a 130-lb beginner! But I have this chart (and the USPF one) bookmarked because its also inspirational - I can be so much stronger!
I'm finally getting my $hit together and if I meet the goals I set for myself in 2003 I'll either be an off the charts beginner at my current weight or an "intermediate" at a lower weight. I think the second sounds a bit nicer...
Spatts - are you elite yet? If not, how many more lbs do you have to go? I know you're trying to drop to a lower weight category for your next comp.
Bar should always scrape the shins on deads; however, if you find this unacceptable, you can try DLing with a diamond (trap) bar. It puts a little more emphasis on the legs and a little less on the back, but at least you'll get a form of DLing in -- and you won't have to scrape your shins doing it...