I was thinking of using anavar and I was wondering if using roids can make dramatic changes in your period causing health issues, some post in female forums say using steroids can build up lining in the uterus by thickening blood, true?
if you use androgens it can most certainly cause virilization symptoms. those include masculine voice, body/face hair, enlarged clit. as far as effecting your period I do not doubt that either, these are very powerful hormones.
anavar is supposed to not be androgenic very much at all. I say SUPPOSED to because most var out there is fake or something else. so a lot of women will say var fucked them up, when they were actually taking dbol .. that is why you should always pick an approved source when you order steroids that have legit gear. http://www.evolutionary.org/forums/s...-ii-37624.html<< looking for a legit source?
Steroids and pro-hormones have two distinct but overlapping effects: 1. The anabolic effects which promote growth 2. The androgenic effects which promote an increase in male sexual characteristics
The problem with the androgenic effects of steroids is that they can cause side effects. Especially when taken by women.
SARMS on the other hand are completely anabolic substances so there are no risks of developing emasculating side effects. SARMS were originally developed to prevent muscle wasting in people with diseases like HIV and cancer.