New member
by ms.
This is why sprinters can maintain a lean and muscular physique even though the exercise they perform is mainly glycolytic and not lipolytic. Because once they've stopped sprinting their bodies will burn fat at a greater rate for the rest of the day. Bodybuilders are really in the same boat as sprinters except that their high intensity intervals are lifting weights instead of running. There have been plenty of studies done that show that the main fat burning effect of exercise is from it's ability to maintain or increase body mass (=higher BMR) rather than it's ability to directly burn fat.
We are all concerned about gaining the least possible fat while bulking. Would it be more reasonable then, to jump onto a 5 day split where you do exercise 5/7 times of the week rather than 3/7 times, for instance - where you would have more of a chance to store bf due to the great excess of cals and lack of exercise (considering you do not do cardio).
chest / legs / arms /back / shoulders and tris
Do you think this will have any effect on fat gain?