The other than knee wraps the squat suit has to be one of the most beneficial peices of equipment ever made or thought of. First off are you sure that your ordered the right size and when i mean right size did you send in the right thigh measurements (you should have had to send in mid thigh and upper thigh), hip width measurements, trunk measurement. If those are off then you will spend more time fighting the suit than gaining the proper benefits from it. Second try putting baby powder on your thighs to make sure that you got the thighs of the squat suit up to the right positition. if the legs of the squat suit get anchored too low then it will pull your hips underneath you, If you sent them the wrong measurements the leg with could be too small to get your leg actually into the suit. Third once the thighs of the suit are set in the right spot then you have to make sure that you get the ass of the suit up high enough. Shit i have to wrap the straps of my squat suit around a squat bar and physically suspend myself in the air several times to get all the way into my suit and i am 290 pounds. I have seen it take as long as 15 -20 mins for some people to get positioned properly in their suits. Fourth it is very important that you sit back into the suit when you squat. My first time in my squat suit i did the same thing that it sounds like your doing but it just took some time and practice. The suit will try and pull your hips underneath you. you need to fight that by sitting your ass back deep against the suit. Basically the suit is fighting to keep your hips extended, when you squat you flex the hips in order to decend which in turn will force you to have to fight against the suit. The fun all happens when you go to ascend and that suit kicks in fighting like hell to re extend your hips. My squat suit has aided me in as much as 150 pounds and i have seen it help people as much as 250+ pounds. Its all about understanding how it works for you. All in all it sounds like your suit is not properly sized or your not getting it on all the way. I hope this helped and good luck.