I know it's small but I just 5x5'ed 185 lbs for squats. So now I can pretty much squat my own bodyweight..maybe 2 lbs more.
But while squatting today, I noticed that lifting is all mental.
Squat session:
5 reps 45 lbs
5 reps 135 lbs
Unracked 185 lbs (couldn't do it, thought it was too heavy for my core to handle)
I convinced myself that I did 180 last week easily and that 185 shouldn't be a problem so I squatted 170 no problem for 5 reps, then I did the same for 180 lbs.
Needless to say the 185lbs felt really light and I felt I could have gotten a lot more than 5 reps...more than 5 sets even.
Sorry about the English, I just got back & feel like puking.