I'm male and not currently bodybuilding or taking steroids...I started a high protein & low carb diet to lose fat. For one meal I have soy protein with soy milk. Now, I've been doing this for about 2 weeks and I've lost fat, but...I think I'm growing breasts. Could this be the soy? Has this happened to anybody else??? Supposedly the phytoestrogens in soy are "weak" estrogens compared to those produced in the body and therefore when they cling to the receptors they block the effects of the more powerful estrogens which would supposedly mean an overall reduction in estrogenic effect. However, I think this would only occur if there was alot of "powerful" estrogen floating around to be blocked....because if I don't have much estrogen in my body to begin with then the soy could actually be increasing the amount of estrogen that is hitting receptors, couldn't it???