Just stirring the pot for fun
Dear Doctor,
How would your body respond if you were subjected to the overwhelming stress of burn
trauma? Hormonally, you would be devastated. Those hormones that promote health and
longevity would take a precipitous plunge -- thyroid hormone levels crash, progesterone
plunges, and testosterone all but disappears. Meanwhile, your catecholamine levels
skyrocket, and cortisol surges, as does the other stress hormone, ESTROGEN.
What would be your body's response to surgical trauma? Again, thyroid, progesterone,
and testosterone crash while the stress hormones, including catecholamines, cortisol, and
ESTROGEN, are produced in excess.
What would be your hormonal response to the stress of alcoholism, or starvation, or to
extreme cold exposure, or to a severe infection? You guessed it -- healthy hormone levels
tumble, while catecholamines, cortisol, and ESTROGEN rise to dangerously unsustainable
levels. Check the following references:
Yu, Effect of endotoxin on hormonal responses, Am J Vet Res. Feb, 1998.
Doleck, Endocrine changes after burn trauma, Keio J Med, Sep, 1989.
Dennhardt, Patterns of endocrine secretions during sepsis, Prog Clin Biol Res, 1989.
Keck, Alcohol and endocrinologic homeostasis, Z Gastroenterol, Oct, 1988. (German)
Vagenakis, Diversion of peripheral thyroxin metabolism from activating to inactivating
pathways during complete fasting, J Clin Endocrine Metab, 1975.
Elliot, Sustained depression of the resting metabolic rate after massive weight loss, Am J
Clin Nutri, 1989.
The point I am making as clear as I possibly can is that
in that it is used in defense against extreme stressors.
Like all stress hormones, ESTROGEN is essential for dealing with a crisis, but is damaging
when it is present in excess quantity, or present out of time with need. And that is our
problem -- you, I, and most all our patients, are producing stress hormones far in excess
of what should be produced in response to activities of daily living. Some of us
(particularly those who are anaerobic, ketogenic, or parasympathetic) respond to stress
with excess cortisol. Some of us (particularly those who are dysaerobic, glucogenic, or
sympathetic) over-react to stress with excess catecholamine production. Some of us
respond to stress with both too much cortisol and too much catecholamine production.
And, nearly all of us respond to stress with excess ESTROGEN.
It is common knowledge that excess catecholamines and cortisol are associated with
cardiovascular disease, with hypertension, with decreased immune function, with
predisposition to cancer -- in short, with all the killer diseases. Largely unknown, however
(thanks to very effective propaganda by the pharmaceutical industry), ESTROGEN
contributes every bit as much to the deadly diseases to which most of us eventually
succumb, and, it contributes to an amazing diversity of "ordinary" miseries from which
most of your patients suffer. Consider carefully this list of conditions associated with
excess ESTROGEN:
Estrogen causes seizures.
Estrogen causes allergies.
Estrogen causes cancer (not just the obvious breast cancer, uterine cancer and
cervical cancer, but many forms of cancer, in both men and women).
Estrogen causes anxiety.
Estrogen causes cystic breast disease.
Estrogen causes uterine fibroids.
Estrogen causes endometriosis.
Estrogen causes dysmenorrhea.
Estrogen causes premenstrual syndrome.
Estrogen causes prostate disease.
Estrogen causes gall stones and gall bladder disease.
Estrogen causes fluid retention.
Estrogen causes weight gain.
Estrogen depresses thyroid function.
Estrogen causes osteoporosis (and you will learn how the deceitful lie that
estrogen protects against osteoporosis was fabricated on a half-truth).
Estrogen causes hypoglycemia and associated food cravings.
Estrogen increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Do you see any symptoms on that list that are common among your patients? Do you see
any symptoms on that list that you would like to be able to effectively control or eliminate
altogether? Certainly you do. Most of these symptoms or conditions can be benefited
(often dramatically) with good nutrition but -- the vast majority of your patients with these
symptoms who do not completely respond to good nutrition are generally suffering the
effects of excess estrogen.
Let us focus on these symptoms one by one and see how they relate to estrogen stress,
and particularly how you can use nutritional intervention to help patients suffering from these conditions.
Look at the second symptom on the list …
I'll bet you didn't know that. I'll bet you won't find one in a hundred or maybe not even
one in a thousand doctors who knows that. Why doesn't anyone know that simple fact?
Simply because there are a lot of very powerful influences that don't want you to know
How many patients do you have that walk around with a head full of boogies virtually all
the time? Most of these patients (including most of the men) are suffering from estrogen
stress. Sadly, many of these patients who are females are either on birth control pills or
hormone replacement therapy. Perhaps you have done NUTRI-SPEC on these patients
and achieved some success. With the proper supplementation, and the proper diet
(including the prostaglandin dietary recommendations) these patients will improve
markedly. But, how many of these patients, even under the best NUTRI-SPEC care, reach
a plateau beyond which further improvement seems impossible? Excess estrogen is the
only barrier preventing you from 100% success with these patients.
Below are just a few of several hundred references demonstrating the fact that estrogen
potentiates the activity of histamine. By that mechanism, and by several others involving
immunoglobulins, estrogen exacerbates symptoms of allergies and asthma.
Prudhomme A. Influence of Female Sex Hormones on Asthma. Rev Pneumol
Clin 1999 Oct;55(5):296-300.
This study showed that sex hormones have a clear effect on 30-40
percent of asthmatic women. It also showed that hormone
replacement therapy has an unfavorable effect on the incidence of
asthma in peri and post-menopausal women.
So, in addition to your nutritional metabolic imbalances, including
prostaglandin imbalance, on all your asthmatic patients you must
also consider estrogen stress. Estrogen will be exacerbating the
asthma directly, and also indirectly by virtue of being a causative
factor in virtually all your metabolic imbalances.
Hamano N, et al. Effect of Female Hormones on the Blood Production of IL-4
and IL-13 from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl
1998; 537:27-31.
This study demonstrated that estrogen aggravates nasal allergy symptoms by
increasing immunoglobulin E synthesis and inducing selective eosinophil
One thing we have noticed in the hundreds of problem cases we
review for you each year is the high percentage of women either on
birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy whose allergic
symptoms stubbornly refuse to respond, and who are taking Claritin
or some other antihistamine -- a drug to reverse the side effects of
another drug -- needed only because of allergies caused by estrogen.
Derimanof G: Oppenheimer J. Exacerbation of Premenstrual Asthma Caused by
an Oral Contraceptive. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1998 Sep;81(3):243-6.
This study is one of many showing that exogenous estrogen and/or
contraceptive pills produce an exacerbation of asthma.
Wjst M, Dold S. Is Asthma an Endocrine Disease? Pediatr Allergy Immunol
1997 Nov;8(4):200-4.
This study presented evidence that the increasing incidence of asthma in
children is due to the mother's oral contraceptive use prior to pregnancy.
This is stunning! There has been an inexplicable increase in childhood asthma
in the last several decades. Now we see that one (there are probably several
others) major cause of this asthma epidemic is children unfortunate enough to
be born to women who didn't know any better than to use birth control pills
prior to choosing to be pregnant. You can bet the pharmaceutical companies
will spare no expense in suppressing this study and others like it.
Hamano N, et al. Expression of Histamine Receptors in Nasal Epithelial Cells
and Endothelial Cells-The Effects of Sex Hormones. Int Arch Allergy Immunol
1998 Mar;115(3):220-7.
In this study the exacerbation of histamine activity by estrogen was
demonstrated. Definitive evidence was given that estrogen is the primary cause
for the preponderance of allergic rhinitis after puberty in females, and the
further exacerbation of these allergic symptoms during pregnancy.
There was certainly nothing wishy washy about this study. It did
not just implicate estrogen as a causative factor in allergies, it
unequivocally stated that estrogen is the primary cause of allergies
in females, and the sole reason for an exacerbation of allergies in
women during pregnancy.
Now that you are acquiring a thorough knowledge of the devastating effects of estrogen,
how do you use this information clinically? You simply must convince all your women on
hormone replacement therapy to decrease if not completely delete the estrogen. The first
step is, obviously, to convince each woman that she must get off the estrogen. To do that,
present her with the list of estrogen-related conditions and symptoms listed above.
Emphasize in each individual woman's case those symptoms that she already has, or that
are most unappealing to her. (It is amazing how many women are more easily convinced
to get off estrogen by the fact that it causes weight gain than by the fact that it causes
Along with assuring the woman that she will avoid all those symptoms and conditions by
getting off the estrogen as soon as possible, you must also convince her that there is no
risk in getting off the estrogen. The next issue or two of this Letter will complete the case
against estrogen including giving you all the references from the literature you need to
present a convincing case that estrogen does not protect against heart disease and above
all, does not prevent (and actually contributes to) osteoporosis.
Is anyone interested in the next letter????????
Dear Doctor,
How would your body respond if you were subjected to the overwhelming stress of burn
trauma? Hormonally, you would be devastated. Those hormones that promote health and
longevity would take a precipitous plunge -- thyroid hormone levels crash, progesterone
plunges, and testosterone all but disappears. Meanwhile, your catecholamine levels
skyrocket, and cortisol surges, as does the other stress hormone, ESTROGEN.
What would be your body's response to surgical trauma? Again, thyroid, progesterone,
and testosterone crash while the stress hormones, including catecholamines, cortisol, and
ESTROGEN, are produced in excess.
What would be your hormonal response to the stress of alcoholism, or starvation, or to
extreme cold exposure, or to a severe infection? You guessed it -- healthy hormone levels
tumble, while catecholamines, cortisol, and ESTROGEN rise to dangerously unsustainable
levels. Check the following references:
Yu, Effect of endotoxin on hormonal responses, Am J Vet Res. Feb, 1998.
Doleck, Endocrine changes after burn trauma, Keio J Med, Sep, 1989.
Dennhardt, Patterns of endocrine secretions during sepsis, Prog Clin Biol Res, 1989.
Keck, Alcohol and endocrinologic homeostasis, Z Gastroenterol, Oct, 1988. (German)
Vagenakis, Diversion of peripheral thyroxin metabolism from activating to inactivating
pathways during complete fasting, J Clin Endocrine Metab, 1975.
Elliot, Sustained depression of the resting metabolic rate after massive weight loss, Am J
Clin Nutri, 1989.
The point I am making as clear as I possibly can is that
in that it is used in defense against extreme stressors.
Like all stress hormones, ESTROGEN is essential for dealing with a crisis, but is damaging
when it is present in excess quantity, or present out of time with need. And that is our
problem -- you, I, and most all our patients, are producing stress hormones far in excess
of what should be produced in response to activities of daily living. Some of us
(particularly those who are anaerobic, ketogenic, or parasympathetic) respond to stress
with excess cortisol. Some of us (particularly those who are dysaerobic, glucogenic, or
sympathetic) over-react to stress with excess catecholamine production. Some of us
respond to stress with both too much cortisol and too much catecholamine production.
And, nearly all of us respond to stress with excess ESTROGEN.
It is common knowledge that excess catecholamines and cortisol are associated with
cardiovascular disease, with hypertension, with decreased immune function, with
predisposition to cancer -- in short, with all the killer diseases. Largely unknown, however
(thanks to very effective propaganda by the pharmaceutical industry), ESTROGEN
contributes every bit as much to the deadly diseases to which most of us eventually
succumb, and, it contributes to an amazing diversity of "ordinary" miseries from which
most of your patients suffer. Consider carefully this list of conditions associated with
excess ESTROGEN:
Estrogen causes seizures.
Estrogen causes allergies.
Estrogen causes cancer (not just the obvious breast cancer, uterine cancer and
cervical cancer, but many forms of cancer, in both men and women).
Estrogen causes anxiety.
Estrogen causes cystic breast disease.
Estrogen causes uterine fibroids.
Estrogen causes endometriosis.
Estrogen causes dysmenorrhea.
Estrogen causes premenstrual syndrome.
Estrogen causes prostate disease.
Estrogen causes gall stones and gall bladder disease.
Estrogen causes fluid retention.
Estrogen causes weight gain.
Estrogen depresses thyroid function.
Estrogen causes osteoporosis (and you will learn how the deceitful lie that
estrogen protects against osteoporosis was fabricated on a half-truth).
Estrogen causes hypoglycemia and associated food cravings.
Estrogen increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Do you see any symptoms on that list that are common among your patients? Do you see
any symptoms on that list that you would like to be able to effectively control or eliminate
altogether? Certainly you do. Most of these symptoms or conditions can be benefited
(often dramatically) with good nutrition but -- the vast majority of your patients with these
symptoms who do not completely respond to good nutrition are generally suffering the
effects of excess estrogen.
Let us focus on these symptoms one by one and see how they relate to estrogen stress,
and particularly how you can use nutritional intervention to help patients suffering from these conditions.
Look at the second symptom on the list …
I'll bet you didn't know that. I'll bet you won't find one in a hundred or maybe not even
one in a thousand doctors who knows that. Why doesn't anyone know that simple fact?
Simply because there are a lot of very powerful influences that don't want you to know
How many patients do you have that walk around with a head full of boogies virtually all
the time? Most of these patients (including most of the men) are suffering from estrogen
stress. Sadly, many of these patients who are females are either on birth control pills or
hormone replacement therapy. Perhaps you have done NUTRI-SPEC on these patients
and achieved some success. With the proper supplementation, and the proper diet
(including the prostaglandin dietary recommendations) these patients will improve
markedly. But, how many of these patients, even under the best NUTRI-SPEC care, reach
a plateau beyond which further improvement seems impossible? Excess estrogen is the
only barrier preventing you from 100% success with these patients.
Below are just a few of several hundred references demonstrating the fact that estrogen
potentiates the activity of histamine. By that mechanism, and by several others involving
immunoglobulins, estrogen exacerbates symptoms of allergies and asthma.
Prudhomme A. Influence of Female Sex Hormones on Asthma. Rev Pneumol
Clin 1999 Oct;55(5):296-300.
This study showed that sex hormones have a clear effect on 30-40
percent of asthmatic women. It also showed that hormone
replacement therapy has an unfavorable effect on the incidence of
asthma in peri and post-menopausal women.
So, in addition to your nutritional metabolic imbalances, including
prostaglandin imbalance, on all your asthmatic patients you must
also consider estrogen stress. Estrogen will be exacerbating the
asthma directly, and also indirectly by virtue of being a causative
factor in virtually all your metabolic imbalances.
Hamano N, et al. Effect of Female Hormones on the Blood Production of IL-4
and IL-13 from Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl
1998; 537:27-31.
This study demonstrated that estrogen aggravates nasal allergy symptoms by
increasing immunoglobulin E synthesis and inducing selective eosinophil
One thing we have noticed in the hundreds of problem cases we
review for you each year is the high percentage of women either on
birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy whose allergic
symptoms stubbornly refuse to respond, and who are taking Claritin
or some other antihistamine -- a drug to reverse the side effects of
another drug -- needed only because of allergies caused by estrogen.
Derimanof G: Oppenheimer J. Exacerbation of Premenstrual Asthma Caused by
an Oral Contraceptive. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 1998 Sep;81(3):243-6.
This study is one of many showing that exogenous estrogen and/or
contraceptive pills produce an exacerbation of asthma.
Wjst M, Dold S. Is Asthma an Endocrine Disease? Pediatr Allergy Immunol
1997 Nov;8(4):200-4.
This study presented evidence that the increasing incidence of asthma in
children is due to the mother's oral contraceptive use prior to pregnancy.
This is stunning! There has been an inexplicable increase in childhood asthma
in the last several decades. Now we see that one (there are probably several
others) major cause of this asthma epidemic is children unfortunate enough to
be born to women who didn't know any better than to use birth control pills
prior to choosing to be pregnant. You can bet the pharmaceutical companies
will spare no expense in suppressing this study and others like it.
Hamano N, et al. Expression of Histamine Receptors in Nasal Epithelial Cells
and Endothelial Cells-The Effects of Sex Hormones. Int Arch Allergy Immunol
1998 Mar;115(3):220-7.
In this study the exacerbation of histamine activity by estrogen was
demonstrated. Definitive evidence was given that estrogen is the primary cause
for the preponderance of allergic rhinitis after puberty in females, and the
further exacerbation of these allergic symptoms during pregnancy.
There was certainly nothing wishy washy about this study. It did
not just implicate estrogen as a causative factor in allergies, it
unequivocally stated that estrogen is the primary cause of allergies
in females, and the sole reason for an exacerbation of allergies in
women during pregnancy.
Now that you are acquiring a thorough knowledge of the devastating effects of estrogen,
how do you use this information clinically? You simply must convince all your women on
hormone replacement therapy to decrease if not completely delete the estrogen. The first
step is, obviously, to convince each woman that she must get off the estrogen. To do that,
present her with the list of estrogen-related conditions and symptoms listed above.
Emphasize in each individual woman's case those symptoms that she already has, or that
are most unappealing to her. (It is amazing how many women are more easily convinced
to get off estrogen by the fact that it causes weight gain than by the fact that it causes
Along with assuring the woman that she will avoid all those symptoms and conditions by
getting off the estrogen as soon as possible, you must also convince her that there is no
risk in getting off the estrogen. The next issue or two of this Letter will complete the case
against estrogen including giving you all the references from the literature you need to
present a convincing case that estrogen does not protect against heart disease and above
all, does not prevent (and actually contributes to) osteoporosis.
Is anyone interested in the next letter????????