good post... so what are they looking for?
Cawk size? def not a problem its 8 inches or damn close and a pretty good looking cock if i do say so myself lol
Build? Im 10 weeks out from my first BB contest... so I dont know if I should wait til afterwards when Im not shredded from the contest... Im assuming being overly lean is probably not gonna be of any benefit to me right?
Im short, 5'7... problem? no/yes?
I think im a relatively good looking guy, but I guess we all do lol
My weak points:
I dont generally have a HUGE load
Cant shoot far except rare random circumstances (wish I could figure it out! lol)
Cant cum from oral, unless its the best head ever... Ive probably gotten a blowjob from circa 100 girls, 3 of them could get me off, I dont know if that is like a prerequisite lol
I cant cum more than once/twice unless there is a change of stimulus... As in different girl basically... Put 5 girls in front of me and i could fuck one after the other (ive done 4 before) but 1 girl 5 times.. not gonna happen
I can generally cum, practically on demand after about, say 10 minutes of decent sex
I can hold off almost indefinitely if needed
I can get hard and stay hard again, almost indefinitely, no drugs necessary
Not that I think my future agent is on this board.. but Im def looking for REAL feedback, Ive been running my mouth about this WAY too long and its time to put up