After messaging and rubbing icy hot into my legs last night... and throughout today... the pain really went away in my leg, until nighttime... I realized, or speculated, that it was from a fan, I have in my room, that blows air directly onto that part of the knee (As I study, read, etc., I sit her for many hours... perhaps that caused some sort of tightening of my quad???)
I did do less weight on my front squats tonight, however... just so I didn't go 'overboard'
I started off with 2 sets of 1 legged leg extensions, with the minimum weight, I did probably about 80reps per set (so 2 sets per leg)... the entire time, I massaged the part of the muscle that was bothering me. By the time I was done with that, I had worked out any stiffness or soreness that was in my leg
Front squats -- warmup -- bar
135x12, 185x10, 205x8, 205x8 -- these felt pretty good, I didn't feel any "strain" in my leg during the entire workout.
Zercher Squats -- warmup -- bar
135x10, 165x8, 185x8 -- I got 6 at 185 last week, I had planned on doing MORE this week, but I didn't want to push my quad anymore... next week, if things are looking better, I'll try 205 then 225 for sure.
Stiff legged deadlifts
135x10, 185x10, 225x8, 225x8 -- yeah, I know... higher rep crap... but I just kept this entire workout uniform... no need to be putting any rediculous stress on my leg that I don't have too
9 sets of calf exercises -- rotary calf, seated and standing raises.
Abs -- 3 sets of 20 reps with a 25lb weight behind my head on decline bench... situps... full ROM.... 3 sets of side-laterals with a 45lb plate.
All is well that ends well... my legs feel like mush... I pushed them hard tonight... they will enjoy their week off.
I did do less weight on my front squats tonight, however... just so I didn't go 'overboard'
I started off with 2 sets of 1 legged leg extensions, with the minimum weight, I did probably about 80reps per set (so 2 sets per leg)... the entire time, I massaged the part of the muscle that was bothering me. By the time I was done with that, I had worked out any stiffness or soreness that was in my leg
Front squats -- warmup -- bar
135x12, 185x10, 205x8, 205x8 -- these felt pretty good, I didn't feel any "strain" in my leg during the entire workout.
Zercher Squats -- warmup -- bar
135x10, 165x8, 185x8 -- I got 6 at 185 last week, I had planned on doing MORE this week, but I didn't want to push my quad anymore... next week, if things are looking better, I'll try 205 then 225 for sure.
Stiff legged deadlifts
135x10, 185x10, 225x8, 225x8 -- yeah, I know... higher rep crap... but I just kept this entire workout uniform... no need to be putting any rediculous stress on my leg that I don't have too
9 sets of calf exercises -- rotary calf, seated and standing raises.
Abs -- 3 sets of 20 reps with a 25lb weight behind my head on decline bench... situps... full ROM.... 3 sets of side-laterals with a 45lb plate.
All is well that ends well... my legs feel like mush... I pushed them hard tonight... they will enjoy their week off.