I guess you wouldnt be able to tell , since you really don't have much fat at all......
I was wondering if it slowly elminates fat while helping to build muscle??
This depends entirely on your diet. Keep it 100% clean, and eat 200g + of protein moderate carbs, lift heavy and you should see a significant drop is bf% while building lean muscle mass.
This depends entirely on your diet. Keep it 100% clean, and eat 200g + of protein moderate carbs, lift heavy and you should see a significant drop is bf% while building lean muscle mass.
I am currently about 110-112...5 foot.....
Probably around 15%bf..I dunno......
My goal is to be about 110 lbs and 12% b/f
Do you think 200g proteinis more than enough for me?
I would say eat a minimum of 200g a day...I'm no expert though
It's different for everyone....you should have a good idea of what works for you before getting on cycle, that way you can recognize the need for changes more quickly. You want to make sure you are equipped to make the MOST of your cycle while on, because it's OVER before ya know it.