If you were to go to, let's say, Cancun for two weeks and wanted to try anabolics there (legally of course), what would you take if you had a $350 USD budget?
Just buy about $350 worth of stenox and take them all at the same time. If you dont shit your liver out you will be sure to be able to fight your way across the border if stopped.
are u talkin about a two week cycle??kinda hard to be disciplined enough in cancun to do a proper two week cycle but heres what id do..high doses of dbol, prop, and primo for 2 weeks straight..then of course clomid therapy..
I would take two shots of Sus250 the first day. two shots on the 7th day. And last would be two shots the last day. It will stay in your system for three more weeks for a total of five weeks and at a cost of $60. Not a great cycle but you would see some gains at the end of the fifth week.