Treat the shoulders as "one complete package".
I wouldn't even consider working the lats without the anteriors. If you want "nice delts" then focus on all three. Many of the pressing movements work the lats as well meaning that you only need to do some supplementary stuff if any at all. Keep in mind the lats are smaller and more prone to being overworked than the anteriors. If you were to do presses (DB, BB, etc.) and add only a set or two of lats then your likely getting good coverage on the "mirror part of the shoulders" (i.e. what YOU see in the mirror). Don't neglect the posterior delts, however there are several back excersises that actually hit them fairly well anyway. If you're dead serious about your shoulders you'll have to evaluate them overall in your routine for things like how they are getting hit on chest day vs. shoulder day, same day maybe? How's the split/recovery, etc. Your ants come into play during many chest excersises, your posteriors on many back excersises, etc.
Another and VERY important aspect to long term nice shoulders is to NEVER neglect you cuffs. Don't work at adding mass to your cuffs, just work on excersising them. That will allow you to press more in the long run, and significantly reduce any potential for injury.