My wife has done a cycle of winny, nandrolone phenylprop, anavar and a small short cycle of test prop.
The winstrol was the best yet....little to no water retention and really good strength and size increases. All steroids can cause water retention though, even if they do not aromatize to estrogen. Some are affected more than others. This is because of electrolyte imbalances, especially sodium.
For some 1500mg of Danelion root per day will act as a mild diuretic and keep water retention, if you get it, to a minimum.
I would recommend doing winstrol orally as it clears much faster this way and allows you to stop a cycle rapidly should bad sides come on. The injections form a crystal like deposit that takes a week to clear.
Try 10mg per day TOTAL, in at least two doses per day.
Anavar is slightly less androgenic and is probably the best steroid for women. Oral primo is good too but almost impossible to find. Injectable primo is good too BUT almost all is curently faked and is usually nandrolone. Injectable primo also has a long half life so you cannot "bail out " should bad sides come on.
BUT...before doing roids I suggest that you learn to train properly as a natural. Few really know how to do this since we have been bombarded by all the BS in those glossy magazines...full of steroid using men and women. Read my sticky post above.
Good luck