I love Mustang's cycle recommendation (my only change would be to start EQ at week 3 & run through week 10, test for 8 weeks). It's a classic mass cycle with EQ replacing Deca (the original standard in this cycle). I believe a lot of the old notions of pyramiding with Deca-only or 250mg Test/week only as appropriate 1st cycles is getting a bit dated. With the anti-e's available, someone approaching this cycle seriously/intelligently with virgin receptors can benefit a great deal. Obviously, gyno is the major concern, but this can be effectively dealt with (& the majority of us are not prone anyways) by using proviron or nolvadex, or arimidex & clomid. Toxicity issues can be handled with milk thistle, cranberry extract & tons of H20, etc.
My feelings are, any amount of gear opens up some possibilities that are unappealing, however, if you're gonna take the plunge, you may as well do it right and get the most out of it. A low dosage Deca only cycle would have a lot of us regretting later, how we used our 1st cycle. Anyways, its just my opinion, if you were to grow tits afterwards, & your hairline receded, obviously you are gonna wish you went with 2Thick's recommendation. If you're cut out for gear, physically & mentally & particularly responsibility wise, Mustang's cycle as a 1st is gonna have you very pleased, but if there are any doubts, go with 2Thicks.