Hi all I'm planning a second cycle.
I did a 10 week test e proviron cycle but found I made my gains in the first 6 weeks then plateud. I think I needed to restrategise my nutrition to account for the 8lbs - 10lbs extra in mass... Not only that when I came off and started pct nolva clomid... We found out my mum had some cancer so became a pretty stressful time. (She's ok now it's been removed)
None the less it resulted in me losing most of my gains...
My plan was to get a bit shredded ready for my hols in July...
I wanted to gain some lean mass and then cut for the last couple of months until I went.
After losing my gains I have improved my nutrition strategy by reviewing it once a week and changing it accordingly...
So to this cycle... I'm now around 27% body fat and want to drop around 10%
Ideally around 15 but realistically if be very happy with 16-17%
I'm 5'10 209lbs but have quite muscular legs( I gain easy on my quads and calves)
I want to retain muscle mass while cutting that bf% so I'm looking into test prop.
I want to be off cycle and finished pct ready for the second week in July
What advice can you give me...?
So far i was thinking
Weeks 1 to 5 - 100mg test prop e3d
Armidex .25mg ed
Proviron 50mg ed
Start pct 5 days after last pin
Nolva 40mg ed week 1
20mg ed week 2-3
I want to utilise some hcg if possible but I don't really know how to fit it into this cycle
As far as training I plan to cycle 3.2 miles every day, run 1 mile ed except leg day
And do a 6 day split-
Mon - chest tris traps last and abs
Tues - bis back shoulders abs
Wednesday - legs
Thursday -chest etc
Friday - bis etc
Sat - legs
Sun -full rest (swim sauna steam relax with a Sunday roast carb load up)
Diet - review it every 3 days while on cycle and adjust accordingly but 2500 kcals per day utilising 2g of protein per lb lean body mass 20-30 % fats and remainder in good whole grain cabs like porridge (rolled oats) potato/sweet potato
I'm sorry my threads are so long I just try and squeeze what I can into one post so all the info is there so u can give me some proper advice thanks to anyone who could be bothered to read through it all lol.
I did a 10 week test e proviron cycle but found I made my gains in the first 6 weeks then plateud. I think I needed to restrategise my nutrition to account for the 8lbs - 10lbs extra in mass... Not only that when I came off and started pct nolva clomid... We found out my mum had some cancer so became a pretty stressful time. (She's ok now it's been removed)
None the less it resulted in me losing most of my gains...

My plan was to get a bit shredded ready for my hols in July...
I wanted to gain some lean mass and then cut for the last couple of months until I went.
After losing my gains I have improved my nutrition strategy by reviewing it once a week and changing it accordingly...
So to this cycle... I'm now around 27% body fat and want to drop around 10%
Ideally around 15 but realistically if be very happy with 16-17%
I'm 5'10 209lbs but have quite muscular legs( I gain easy on my quads and calves)
I want to retain muscle mass while cutting that bf% so I'm looking into test prop.
I want to be off cycle and finished pct ready for the second week in July
What advice can you give me...?
So far i was thinking
Weeks 1 to 5 - 100mg test prop e3d
Armidex .25mg ed
Proviron 50mg ed
Start pct 5 days after last pin
Nolva 40mg ed week 1
20mg ed week 2-3
I want to utilise some hcg if possible but I don't really know how to fit it into this cycle
As far as training I plan to cycle 3.2 miles every day, run 1 mile ed except leg day
And do a 6 day split-
Mon - chest tris traps last and abs
Tues - bis back shoulders abs
Wednesday - legs
Thursday -chest etc
Friday - bis etc
Sat - legs
Sun -full rest (swim sauna steam relax with a Sunday roast carb load up)
Diet - review it every 3 days while on cycle and adjust accordingly but 2500 kcals per day utilising 2g of protein per lb lean body mass 20-30 % fats and remainder in good whole grain cabs like porridge (rolled oats) potato/sweet potato
I'm sorry my threads are so long I just try and squeeze what I can into one post so all the info is there so u can give me some proper advice thanks to anyone who could be bothered to read through it all lol.