Hey all. Based on the advice I got from another post, i decided to go with a short ester cycle. This will put a better timeframe on things for the before the summer.
My first cycle was basic, 250mg of test enth per week for 12 weeks.
For the summer I plan on upping that to 500 per week and adding anavar.
For this cycle, I plan to run 8weeks of prop-tren-mast. I have a nice blend that puts 75mg of each together; so 225mg total.
I plan to pin 75mg mwf to give me a total of 225 per week. I also read to make sure the test is a bit higher. So I was goin to add 75mg of prop. SO..
150 prop-75 tren- 75 mast . per week for 8 weeks
My first cycle was basic, 250mg of test enth per week for 12 weeks.
For the summer I plan on upping that to 500 per week and adding anavar.
For this cycle, I plan to run 8weeks of prop-tren-mast. I have a nice blend that puts 75mg of each together; so 225mg total.
I plan to pin 75mg mwf to give me a total of 225 per week. I also read to make sure the test is a bit higher. So I was goin to add 75mg of prop. SO..
150 prop-75 tren- 75 mast . per week for 8 weeks