Met Ronnie COleman Friday night, he was doing a show this weekend in Queens NY and the promoter owns my gym so Ronnie Coleman came by with Flex Wheeler and Dexter Jackson and some other up and coming BB Builders.
Anyway I spoke with Ronnie for about 20 minutes basically trying to convince him to cross over from the darkside into powerlifting. We were actually doing DE Squats with bands and he was very curious about it.
I'm not jockin the guy, but I don't care what picture, video or magazine, until you meet Ronnie in real life you have no concept of how big a pro bodybuilder can be.
Of course I am not advocating Bodybuilding so your probably asking where am I going with this, so......I stuck around to watch Ronnie deadlift.
He was pretty pissed that the bars in my gym only hold 7 plates per side so he said he would have to make do with that.
So figure he's got 14 plates on the bar, still only around 6 hund and change close to 7 hund lbs. no big deal from a powerlifting standpoint. But here is the clincher. He did 3 sets of 10 reps with it and his form was textbook.
Moved on to barbell rows 5 plates per side, 10 plates in total figure around 500 again he did 3 sets of 8 perfect form.
Wish I had videotaped it, nice display ofd strength. I mean yeah Ronnie's a bodybuilder, but he's got power.
Anyway he gave me his word when he gets bored of winning the Olympia, he may look into powerlifting.
One last note, Ronnie said he never goes under 5 reps in the bench, his best is 225 for 80 reps. Not bad.
Anyway I spoke with Ronnie for about 20 minutes basically trying to convince him to cross over from the darkside into powerlifting. We were actually doing DE Squats with bands and he was very curious about it.
I'm not jockin the guy, but I don't care what picture, video or magazine, until you meet Ronnie in real life you have no concept of how big a pro bodybuilder can be.
Of course I am not advocating Bodybuilding so your probably asking where am I going with this, so......I stuck around to watch Ronnie deadlift.
He was pretty pissed that the bars in my gym only hold 7 plates per side so he said he would have to make do with that.
So figure he's got 14 plates on the bar, still only around 6 hund and change close to 7 hund lbs. no big deal from a powerlifting standpoint. But here is the clincher. He did 3 sets of 10 reps with it and his form was textbook.
Moved on to barbell rows 5 plates per side, 10 plates in total figure around 500 again he did 3 sets of 8 perfect form.
Wish I had videotaped it, nice display ofd strength. I mean yeah Ronnie's a bodybuilder, but he's got power.
Anyway he gave me his word when he gets bored of winning the Olympia, he may look into powerlifting.
One last note, Ronnie said he never goes under 5 reps in the bench, his best is 225 for 80 reps. Not bad.