is there any way to reverse a deepened voice for a woman? my girl's taken eq, winny, and deca. i believe that the deca probably did it. Any woman out there have any experience/success with changing a masculinized woman's voice back to normal????? Help is appreciated!!!
From what I understand the laser procedure is very unpredictable, (meaning you could end up with a squeaky Barbie voice) not to mention very expensive.
It's my understanding that if you stop using AS as soon as you notice deepening, it will stop and possibly return close to normal. The longer you continue using after sides start, the more of a chance they will be permanent.
It's my understanding that if you stop using AS as soon as you notice deepening, it will stop and possibly return close to normal. The longer you continue using after sides start, the more of a chance they will be permanent.
Nope. Not true. Even if you stop as soon as you notice it, it could very well be too late. It might lighten some after stopping, but for some people it never goes back completely.
Nope. Not true. Even if you stop as soon as you notice it, it could very well be too late. It might lighten some after stopping, but for some people it never goes back completely.
DITO......If you stop while noticing that your throat feels raspy, or if you have a cough, or at most if it cracks a bit then perhaps voice tome lowering could be avoided but once it drops you're shit out of luck. You see the thing that makes the voice drop is actual swelling and growth of the vocal cord caused by the androgen. The swelling will go away but the growth will not thus minor reversal is possible but never total reversal.........thats were the laser comes into play...they actually shave off some of the cord tissue!
Agree with both of you (VooDoo and RG) - which is why I said the above.... *possibly* and *close to* being the operative words.
I was not trying to imply that voice deepening was not permanent, I know it is, and apologize if it appeared I was saying that.
But I have read posts where in some people's experiences, once they noticed a change, they stopped using and the change halted and reverted CLOSE TO normal - but never totally back to normal.