Legion Kreinak2
New member
A few questions concerning rest times:
First off, during a cutting cycle, should rest times be increase due to decreased energy stores?
Also, the 5x5 targets the CNS moreso than other routines, so a larger rest period is usually called for. However, I've heard that after 3-4 minutes, the muscle grows cold, which is not good. So does that whole "long rest period to allow the CNS to recover" prove true?
Which connects to the above question. The rest times for the 5x5 are already long enough. How about when cutting?
First off, during a cutting cycle, should rest times be increase due to decreased energy stores?
Also, the 5x5 targets the CNS moreso than other routines, so a larger rest period is usually called for. However, I've heard that after 3-4 minutes, the muscle grows cold, which is not good. So does that whole "long rest period to allow the CNS to recover" prove true?
Which connects to the above question. The rest times for the 5x5 are already long enough. How about when cutting?