This is a subject I've been giving a lot of thought these days. One thing that I am thinking though, while on cycle a common belief is that our major growth happens early in the cycle before myostatin levels rise. If we are going to go 50/50 with a +30% / -30% calorie plan would it not be more beneficial to run say a 16 week cycle with the first 8 weeks at +30, and the last 8 at -30?
Having said that, this is exactly what I did - although it wasn't planned. I gained too much fat on my first cycle which was supposed to be 12 week cycle but cut the bulk short and started cutting near the end and extended the cycle to 16 weeks with the last 7 a pretty drastic cut. I have to say it was pretty hard going from full on to full off and 7 weeks of hardcore dieting is hard on the mind. So I imagine every other day would be easier to do but it would seem that we may be wasting time dieting when myostatin is low and we could be growing.